Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Roundup of Apple Tablet Details from Alleged Beta Tester Jason Calcanis, Others


The blurry camphone pic above may be the first legit photo of the Apple tablet device (yes, name still withheld) seen in the wild. It was posted by tech entrepreneur Matt Schlict around 2:30 am Pacific Tuesday night, just hours after (apparently) the NDAs signed by a number of Apple beta testers expired.

Schlict and fellow tech investor Jason Calcanis tweeted a bunch of new details on the device, which (assuming this is not a hack nor a publicity stunt), include the following:

Tablet will come in 3 sizes / memory levels, priced at $599, $699 and $799

Connects to other tablets over wifi for gaming.

Two cameras - one on the front and one on the back. Video conferencing built-in.

Custom Farmville application (no, I'm not making this up)

Chess application that came in second software build (not all testers had seen it...suspicious?)

OLED screen

Back has solar pad for recharging

Verizon and AT&T connectivity

Two thumbpads - one left and one right side - for mouse gestures and thumbprint security

Battery life is "good in ebook," and only 2 -3 hours when playing games or using wi-fi.

Runs an iPhone OS "with ability to have multiple apps running at the same time"

Wireless keyboard and monitor connection for TV

Built-in HDTV tuner and pvr

Auto-syncs with iPhone

Will NOT go on sale today

Apple Tablet Spoiler! 2 Cams, OLED, Solar Charging and...Farmville?

Screen shot 2010-01-27 at 7.05.38 AM

Tech entrepreneur and angel investor Jason Calcanis appears to have dropped a mother lode of specific details about the Apple tablet device 16 hours before today's big announcement. Calcanis - founder of Weblogs, Inc and owner of Mahalo - an angel investor company with money in electric sportscar startup Tesla Inc - made the revelations on his Twitter account @Jason Tuesday evening.

According to Calcanis' verified Twitter account, "as a pundit," he was given a tablet to beta by Apple ten days ago. Among the revelations he (or a clever hacker) posted to Twitter last night:

The device has two cameras, comes in three versions (priced at $599, $699, and $799 "based on size and memory), and a "custom Farmville for Apple tablet is a huge game changer". That last bit makes us wonder if the comments are really from a hacker.

Another suspicious Tweet: "Yes, there are 2cameras: one in front and one in back (or it may be one with some double lens) so you record yourself and in front of u." One would think a guy as sharp as Calcanis, having had the tablet for ten days, would know whether its two separate cameras or "one with some double lens".

On the other hand, Calcanis appears to Tweet back and forth with other apparent beta testers, who begin dropping their own bombs just after midnight when their NDAs with Apple expired. In any case, here's the text of the Tweets, verbatim. You decide if they're real - and we'll all know in a few hours:

... also, Farmville for Apple tablet is a huge game changer. I know for a FACT Mark Pincus is onstage tomorrow with Jobs. about 4 hours ago from UberTwitter

Off to bed, but I assure you I'm not joking and the specs are real.... Most of all that this is best gadget ever made and NOT overhyped.

apple tablet connects to other tablets over wifi for gaming. There will be LAN parties with these things, people playingFirst personshooters

Sorry, @snappme can't show device or say actual name.

For background: apple asked me to do press tomorrow on cnbc, cnn, etc. As a pundit they gave me tablet 10 days ago. 3people dropped it off!

Apple tablet games are sick. Basically nintendo wii-level innovation. Custom farmville app is insane. Mark pincus is demoing with steve tmmr

Ok, I'm going to bed (with apple tablet after reading nytimes+Vanity Fair on it!), steve jobs outdid himself, its greatest device ever!!!

Apple tablet's 2 cameras is sick feature for video conferencing: u shoot what's in front of you + yourself. Augmented video conferncing!

Yes, apple tablet is oled + back has solar pad for recharging, but it really doesn't work quickly. More a gimmic. Verizon+att,wifi yes!

Apple Tablet has thumbpads on each side for mouse guestures, reads fingerprint for security. Up to 5 profiles by finerprint for family.

Yes, there are 2cameras: one in front and one in back (or it may be one with some double lens) so you record yourself and in front of u.

Well @joshgrenon, I can tell u the battery life is great in ebook reading mode but not great when on wifi or playing games. 2-3hrs

Yes @HappyDrew, the apple tablet is running an iphone os flavor with ability to have multiple apps running at same time (ie pandora, browser

Ok, I will take two questions about the new apple tablet which I have right here. Go ahead... My nda is basically over. :)

The price will be 599, 699 and 799 depending on size and memory in apple tablet. Also, wireless keyboard + monitor connection for tv

Also, the apple tablet is really amazing for newspapers. Video conferencing is super stable, but nothing new.

The best part ofthe apple tablet as beta user has been the built in HDTV tuner and pvr, and the chess game.

Note to press: No, not going to break my NDA w/ Apple/steve so u can get jump on announcement. It is the most *amazing* device ever.

Yes, it's true... I've been beta testing the Apple tablet for the past two weeks and it's amazing.

about 10 hours ago from web