Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Watching the Grass Grow: Williamsburg Park A No-Go for Summer '06


Disappointing news from NY State Parks: East River State Park won't be coming on line this summer after all. According to Chip Place, Director of Regional Capital Facilities and Planning, the infrequent yet often torrential rainstorms this spring and summer caused the newly-seeded grass to not take root well enough to withstand the hundreds of hipster hooves that will inevitably pack the park.

Chip provided a detailed explanation for the delay in an email:
The main concept behind our beginning level of park improvements is the integration of natural succession, through native meadow type planting and grasses, with the existing historic remnants on site. We have largely completed work on the very basic restoration of the historic remnants. However, though they improve a bit each week, I am still not satisfied with how the meadow grasses have taken hold...we had some torrential thunderstorms right after seeding in late spring that hindered the grass establishment. We are planning remedial seeding and replacement of some plants and trees during the fall planting season. Since this part of the work depends a lot on Mother Nature, I am reluctant to give a projected opening date estimate.

I understand everybody’s desire to get onto the site. We pushed ahead with this beginning level of improvements to get the public on site as soon as we could. We expect it to be a very popular spot once it does open. That is why we are taking the added time and precaution of giving the meadow a better chance to get established before we do open. We greatly appreciate everyone’s patience in the meanwhile.

To be truthful, imnotsayin has been uncharacteristically impatient with the park's progress as of late, and Mr. Place's group has done great work. Mother Nature's tirades and a tight state budget make the need to get it right the first time doubly imperative. Going forward, we pledge to be patient with the project, and spend more time obsessing about the folks who are gobbling up greenspace and waterfront vistas, rather than those who are improving them.

Previously on imnotsayin: the park's previous life as a railyard

Scary/Funny YouTube Video - Locals Recall the Lot's Recent History [via Curbed]


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