Monday, September 22, 2008

Mile High Club: Blogging at 38,000 Feet

From the "because we could" department: we're writing and publishing this post from 38,000 feet above Cleveland, from an American 767 outfitted with pay-per-use 'broadband' wi-fi from

$12.95 gets you unrestricted wireless web access on your laptop or mobile (we tried both and this is being posted from our iPhone, now that the Powerbook is out of juice). We Speedtested the connection at just over 500KB down and 200KB up...which isn't blazing, but feels great for normal photo-heavy pageviews, and adequate for streaming YouTube videos and Internet radio over Flycast. We actually downloaded that app and a couple others, and listened to the Monday Night Football game over an ESPN Radio stream. Couldn't get the iPhone AIM client to connect, but iChat worked perfectly!

Gonna leave it at that for now...we discovered Blogger on mobile Safari wipes a post in progress if you leave the app and return, and we don't have the heart to retype this on the iPhone keyboard.