Saturday, September 29, 2007

SNL's Samberg Ahmadinejad 'Iran'
Digital Short Shot on Northside Waterfront

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

The foot of North 11th Street and East River State Park on the Williamsburg / Greenpoint border made a guest appearance on tonight's Saturday Night Live, in an R&B music video parody spoofing last week's visit by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The hilarious short, which includes Fred Armisen as a drop-dead Ahmadinejad in a red cocktail dress (a la Michelle Pfeiffer in the Fabulous Baker Boys), also used the Kent Avenue CitiStorage mural as backdrop. Previous "SNL Digital Shorts" by Samberg have topped download charts. Samberg's collaboration with Justin Timberlake, Dick In a Box, won an Emmy earlier this month.

At press time, YouTube's servers were contemplating taking a personal day on Monday...

And I Ran
Video [YouTube]

Dick in a Box [YouTube - requires account]

Lazy Sunday [YouTube]